Present Sufrah List
In the present Year 2015 (1436 H), There are the following person is coming to you From Darul Uloom Zakariyya. We are requested you to contribute them for your Aakhirat.
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
Area |
Mobile No. |
1. |
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Anees Khan Sahab |
Teacher |
Dubai |
09894022775 |
2. |
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafiullah Sb Qasmi |
Teacher |
Dubai |
09994200209 |
3. |
Hazrat Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Sb Mazahiri |
Safeer |
Banglour |
09900460215 |
4. |
Janab Muhammad Khalid Sb |
Safeer |
Banglour |
09972020223 |
5. |
Janab Javed Khan Sb |
Safeer |
Banglour |
09844771825 |
Note : If other person which is not given in the above list comes to you to receive your amount please contact to the Darul Uloom Zakariyya, Deoband
Office : 01336-221999
Principal : 09043391969, 08439116643